Walking in on the first day of school, looking around nervous and lost is how most freshmen imagine their first day of high school. With Link Crew’s efforts that was not the fate of any of the freshmen’s first days this year. Link is there from freshman orientation, getting to know all the freshman personally to the end of the school year still checking up on their freshmen classes. Being a part of Link is an opportunity to connect the school together and help everyone feel at home. No freshmen should ever have to eat lunch alone in the bathroom stall, search aimlessly for a class they’ll never find, or feel uncomfortable walking through the halls; link crew is the solution to any problem a freshmen could possibly have. “By making the freshmen feel comfortable with ice breaker games during orientation and running through their schedules, we broke down a clear barrier that was present when they all walked in,” senior Alyssa Boron said. With orientation being a key starting point in the freshmen’s year Link Crew decided to start there first to get to know the freshmen. “First thing thing saw walking in was us upperclassmen, we dictated the relationship between us and them from the minute they walked in those doors with big smiles and countless high fives,” Boron said. The orientation was a success and freshmen left with a smile on their face, feeling less nervous and more excited to come back, or even with new friends made. By having upperclassmen to go to for advice or friendship Link Crew made the difference and set the tone for the freshmen’s whole year at North.