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Eagle's View

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Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View



 For many years Americans have been celebrating Thanksgiving. There are many wonderful things about Thanksgiving, one of them is giving thanks to the important people in your life.

   “I am thankful for many things. One of the main things is my parents because they have given me such a safe, wonderful and loving home environment for me and my friends that I believe everyone can feel safe in,” senior Sarah Harris said.

   A common theme for something to be thankful for is people’s family. 

   “When I think of Thanksgiving I think of getting together with my family which makes me happy because they are one of the biggest things I’m thankful for every year. They truly make me so happy and I am lucky to always have these people to lean on anytime I need them. Sometimes even when I don’t,” junior Alexis Helms said.

   Showing thanks is not always just for your relatives, it can be for anyone who has an impact on you and your life. Brayden Clarey talks about how his orchestra teacher Miss Trusty has helped him and why he is thankful for her.

   “I am very thankful for Miss Trusty because I know she is thankful for us. When we are in class because we know she likes and respects us it makes it easier for us to pay attention to her in class and try to be as involved as we can. Being involved and helping her out is my own way of showing her how grateful I am for all the opportunities she has given all the kids in orchestra,” sophomore Brayden Clarey said.

   Other people that others are commonly thankful for are their group of friends. 

   “I’m thankful for my friends. The friends I have made in the last few years have been the best friends I’ve ever had. They’re people I can always go to if I need to talk or need a shoulder to cry on. They’re also some of the funniest people I’ve ever met and I’m always laughing when I’m with them,” sophomore Anna Walsh said.

   There are plenty of things to be thankful for especially all the people in your lives but Cora Batchelor has something besides family to be thankful for.

   “I know most things that people are thankful for are people related but the thing I’m most thankful for everyday is just being alive and being able to see the beautiful sunset. Watching the sunset is just one of the most beautiful ways to celebrate being alive,” Batchelor said.

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