How Old Is Too Old?

How Old Is Too Old?

With Halloween right around the corner, one of the big questions up in the air is how old is too old to go trick or treating? Is it fair for home owners to refuse to give candy to the older kids or even to the kids that aren’t dressed up? In my opinion there is never an age that is too old to get dressed up with your friends and go trick or treating. Whether you’re 7 or 17 celebrating the holiday and having safe fun is never a bad thing. Parents often say that they refuse candy to teenagers because they are too old, but who are they to discriminate based on age? If the 17 year old kid it dressed up and out to have a good time why rain on their parade by not giving them candy. There is never an age that stops the fun in life. If you are 37 and still enjoy the things you did as a child, then do it! Why let something as small as how old you are prevent you from having fun. Another reason parents refuse to hand out candy is because kids are not dressed up. Though it is the nature of Halloween to dress up, it is very possible that kids that struggle with autism or other disorders prevents them from dressing up because it makes them feel uncomfortable. You can’t judge a child on if they are dressed up or not because you don’t know the reason they are or are not. More often than not teenages dont spend their Halloween night going from door to door to jack your candy, but if it turns out that they are, what’s the big deal? The candy was originally bought with the intention of handing it out… right?