LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

The Lunchroom Fight

Many of you witnessed the fight that happened Wednesday afternoon during fifth hour passing period. I know I did; I walked right into it on my way out the back entrance. Even if this were not a relatively low-key school, it still would have shocked me. Two guys on the ground, one punching the other over and over again, is not something one expects to see when they turn a corner.

What surprised me even more than the fight, however, was watching how people—the very people I call my peers—reacted to it. Naturally, they formed a circle around the two boys, some smiling with the fanatic excitement of spectators, others egging them on (even if it was not out loud), and others—I write this with utter contempt—taking out their phones and recording them. I know it is generally a bad idea to try to get in the middle of a fight—even I stood in a neutral state—but that is not the point. The point is, those of you who thought it was funny, that it would make a good Youtube video, that it was okay to record the two boys hashing it out on the ground like animals, I am ashamed to call you my peers.

Sometimes, I am disgusted by humanity and their utter attachment to their technology, their need to satisfy their own amusement instead of having a little concern for people’s safety. It is sickening, and it is a far worse problem than any number of lunchroom fights could be. Why are people so enthralled by fights? What is so great about them? And most importantly: why is it suddenly okay to record it on your phone? Next time, why not jump in there and take a selfie while you are at it? I am sure it would make a great Twitter post.

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