The Impact of New Cultures

The Impact of New Cultures

Image from: Alexandria Snavely

Môle-Saint-Nicolas is a town on the northwestern coast of Haiti. The town is known for the “Strategic Development Plan of Mole Saint-Nicolas in Northwestern Haiti”. The main goals for this project is to develop maritime corridor, the history and tourism of this part of Haiti, energy production, and the natural resources that are in this area.

“The best thing about the experience of Haiti is the people that you encounter. The people there consider it rude if you don’t say hi or wave and it’s such a culture shock because it’s considered weird if you say hi to random strangers on the street” sophomore Jack Crisman said.

Recently, Liberty North had some visitors from Haiti come and talk about their lives and how it is different learning about cultures.

“The food in Haiti is mainly a lot of beans, rice, goat, and chicken. It’s all cooked with simpler recipes than the ones we have in America” Crisman said.

Being around different cultures tends to have a divergent effect on other cultures. “I love having the kids stay with us when they come because their energy is always up and they always light up the room even when i come home in a bad mood. They just put a smile on everyone’s face even though I barely got any sleep while they were here” Crisman said.

The children have impacted the Crisman’s in multiple ways. “It has affected our family in a huge way in showing us how to be patient when the kids are here and when we are in Haiti, it affects us by showing us to be grateful for everything that we have today” Crisman said.