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Eagle's View

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Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

Texting and Driving: An Accident Waiting to Happen

  Car wrecks are truly something terrifying. Although there are a lot of new safety innovations, I was reminded how dangerous it can be when getting behind the wheel. On Friday, October 18th, there was a 5 car pile up upon leaving school grounds, the vehicle I was in nearly being hit as well. Fortunately, nobody was seriously injured.

  The official cause of this wreck is unknown, although many believe it was due to texting. Texting while driving is considered a crime punishable by jail time in Missouri. I believe that texting while driving is a very bad decision. Even though there have been multiple announcements and many deaths due to texting and driving, teenagers continue doing it. I can’t understand how teenagers text and drive knowing that they are putting themselves and others in danger. It could possibly be that they simply are not thinking about others while they send a quick text to their friends.

  I think drivers as a whole do not have a very good understanding on how dangerous texting and driving is, until it is too late. Drivers should not be paying attention to anything else other than the road while they are behind the wheel, especially when they are driving others as well.

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