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Eagle's View

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LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

Senior Who?

Senior year is the final year of high school. Seniors have put thirteen years of their lives into school. To be on the top of the pyramid is a great feeling. I finally do not have to make up snow days, and I get to graduate two weeks before the rest of the district is let out.

However, we have had three snowdays now. The school district only built in four snowdays and then they start taking away days from our breaks. After the next snaowday, seniors will have to make up the missed day; what happened to special perks for seniors?

Another tradition seniors are deprived of is senior skip day. Teachers always catch wind on when it is going to take place, and then plan tests and presentations on that day, making it impossible for seniors to skip. This tradition has lost its value also because seniors have their parents call them out-that is not skipping.

Administrators have made their stance clear on senior pranks. Anyone caught pranking will not be able to walk at graduation. How is this fair? A harmless prank, and not be able to do the one thing we have been dreaming of for thirteen years? I am sure people will be lenient, but the stance still discourages the senior class to do the right of passages generations have done.

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