Juggling Academics and Sports

Students these days are encouraged to participate in as many activities as possible in order to be a top competitor for a spot at the major universities in the country. These activities are expected to be performed well while achieving an acceptable grade point average. Junior golfer Maddy Mattson and junior Golden Girl Lindsay Marvine both shared tips on how they have accomplished balancing the two tasks throughout high school so far, and also how it has affected them.

“I would not say my grades have been put at stake, but they have been affected for sure. I miss a lot of school, so I miss the opportunity to listen in on class discussions and be there for notes and new material,” Mattson said.

Marvine had similar views as Mattson, but went on to say how being involved in a school sport has affected accomplishing her work once she arrives home.

“When you have games or practices every day after school it is hard to find time to do school work. And honestly, sometimes I am just to tired,” Marvine said.

However, both girls don’t plan to let their sports get in their way. They have made plans that seem to have been working out quite well for them.

“I come home right after dance, and try to knock out as many assignments as possible. I also try to finish as much as I can during the school day to relieve some stress when I get home,” Marvine said.

But, sometimes being involved in a sport requires the student to miss countless days of school. Mattson has this situation all figured out.

“I keep up with everything on blackboard, talking with my friends I share classes with, and emailing teachers about work I need to catch up on our scheduling tutoring sessions,” Mattson said.

This goes to show how the most involved people can still be an outstanding student.