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LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

Improv Troupe BBFP Makes Debut


With Liberty North still being a new school, many groups have come together in an effort to continue to start new traditions for years to come. One of these groups is the improv troupe at North. The group made their debut last night, November 15. The developing troupe has decided to call themselves the BBFP Improv Troupe.

Improv is a non-scripted or rehearsed performance and cannot be performed by the average-Joe. Many of the members of BBFP consider improv as a special way to express themselves.

“I love making people laugh in different ways, if the crowd is laughing then I must be doing my job right,” junior and BBFP member Lincoln McCoy said.

There are many things the BBFP members are looking forward to this year.

“I am excited to watch the sophomore develop this year because most of them have never done improv. I am also looking forward to seeing the size of our crowds grow larger for each show,” senior and BBFP member Hunter Smith said.

Because there is no script, no performance is ever the same as another.

“I am excited for our upcoming Christmas show. We plan on wearing ugly sweaters which I think the audience will really appreciate,” McCoy said.

Many smiles and giggles were shared at the show last night. It seems everyone in attendance liked something different about the show.

“My favorite part of the show was when we played the game “Slow-Mo” and I was able to make really theatrical faces. The crowd seemed to really enjoy it,” sophomore and member of BBFP Claire DeVry said.

The crowd was also pleased with the performance of improv troupe, BBFP last night.

“The troupe did a great job at making the crowd feel like a big part of the show. I thought the show was hilarious and I believe it has great potential,” junior Abby Forcucci said.

Last night displayed a great start for the BBFP improve troupe at North. Many students look forward to the next show for many laughs and lots of unscripted fun.

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