Benny the Beautiful Bachelor (part 5)

  This week on the bachelor, Ben and girls traveled to Mexico City. The first one on one date went to Amanda. Ben went to the girls hotel room and woke everyone up at 4:30 in the morning looking for Amanda to take her on the date. He really got to see everyone’s true “beauty.” The first thing they did on their date was go on hot air balloon ride, then they went on a picnic, and talked to each other about their lives, and to finish, they sat down to eat that evening, and Amanda told Ben about her first marriage and her children and about how she pictured her life. At the end of the date Ben offered her the rose and she accepted it of course.


  For the group date, Olivia, Jubilee, Lauren B., JoJo, Jennifer, Leah, Caila, Becca, Emily, and Ben took part. For the first part of the date, the group learned a little bit of spanish, Jubilee had an attitude this week as well and was awkward. For the second part of the date  the girls broke up into groups of two, leaving one girl without a partner, so Jubilee and Olivia fought over who was going to get to be Ben’s partner. Olivia won….of course. Each team was set to the task of making a dish of some sort, off of a recipe that was in Spanish. After everyone was done making their dish, the owners of the restaurant taste tested every plate. The winners were Jubilee and Lauren B. The final part of the date, was the cocktail party. Ben talked to the girls individual, and Jubilee was annoyed that he hadn’t taken her to the side yet. At one point Ben took Lauren B. down to the street and they took a leisurely stroll around, they were gone for awhile. When they returned Ben asked Jubilee if he could talk to her next, and when he went to grab her hand she pulled away, making Ben and they other girls uncomfortable. When they sat down to talk Jubilee and Ben had a serious conversation about how Jubilee was always standoffish and he didn’t know what to think. Ultimately he decided she needed to go home that evening, he didn’t see a future with her. Ben was obviously very upset, and took some time for himself to calm down and regain his composure. At the end of the date, he offered Olivia the rose, and she accepted. This made all of the other girls uncomfortable, and upset.


  For the final one on one date, Lauren H. and Ben went to a fashion show. Apparently Mexico City is known for its fashion. Once there, the clothing designer asked Ben and Lauren if they wanted to walk in the fashion show. They both did a great job and looked and walked like professional models. They finished the date with a sit down dinner, and Lauren told Ben of her past relationships. At the end of the date, Ben offered her the rose and she accepted.
  At the cocktail party before the rose ceremony, Ben took the chance to talk with the girls individual. Olivia made a rude comment about listening to Amanda talk about her kids, say that it was like watching an episode of teen mom. This upset Amanda, so she told Olivia that she didn’t understand why she would say something like that, and Olivia was obviously embarrassed and didn’t know what to say so she started “crying”, and made up to some half hearted apology. Emily, upset with Olivia’s bullying side that Ben’s never seen, she went to talk to Ben, and told him how she was feeling, and she got upset, and then Amanda went to talk to him, and told him what Olivia had said to her, and how she was offended about the whole situation. The episode leaves off with Ben pulling Olivia away from the group to have a conversation with her, and that’s how the show leaves off. See ya next week!!