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Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

Thanksgiving Traditions

Many families have wacky and outlandish traditions. A lot of people stuff themselves until they cannot eat anymore, many others spend time with friends and family they have not seen in a while.  Students of Liberty North have their own family traditions. No matter what the students’ traditions are, they are unique to different people.

“My family goes down to Booneville, Missouri where we visit family and eat a lot,” sophomore Chandler Hill said.

Different cultures have their own special traditions for thanksgiving.  Every family has their own little piece of craziness.

“My family has a lot of different things, we eat turkey, tamales, mashed potatoes and my dad makes spaghetti,” sophomore Yesenia Gomez said.

Every family has special things that they do for their holiday. Some eat until they puke and some sit around talking with their family and friends.

“We invite another family to have Thanksgiving with us.  We raise a turkey to have on Thanksgiving with us.  Also, we raise a turkey to eat on Thanksgiving,” junior Jordan Donner said.

Every family has their own special thing they do. Everyone has their own out their traditions.  So, they should not worry about what their family does on Thanksgiving, they should be proud of their family and give thanks for the people in their lives.

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