LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

Lighten Up Mother Nature

This year, the groundhog left his burrow, so supposedly spring should have come sooner. That is not the case.

“The weather has sucked lately. This year after finding out that the groundhog left his burrow, I was hoping that he would be right for once, I was wrong,” Sophomore Nick Rubbenetti said.

With the weather constantly changing, students and staff are left to wonder, when will the weather resume being seasonal? The past month has been a harsh one in terms of weather. Temperatures have proved to be anything but consistent. They have been have all over the place in the past month. Temperatures have ranged from chilling lower twenties to beautiful upper sixties.

“The weather so far this year has stunk. One day I can wear shorts and a t-shirt, and then the next day it is super cold outside and I have to wear jeans and a heavy coat. It’s ridiculous,” Junior Raul Garcia said.

With all of the random weather changes, it is hard to plan anything to do with family and friends because it is not known what the weekend will be like.  Summer is approaching quickly and it is still relatively cold outside for the most part, with an exception to those random warm and sunny days.

“I just want it to warm up already. I don’t want it to be June and it be cold outside. That would put a bad start to my summer,” Senior Ryan Murphy said.

With the school year end closing in fast, and the weather not very friendly, people are left saying, “lighten up, mother nature!”



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