LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

Future Politicians of America

Every four years, the United States holds political elections. All around the US local, state, and national governments will be on ballots for voters to place their opinion.  Students must take American Government to graduate from high school. This year, since it is an election year, Mr. Gates’ AP American Government classes are taking part in a political volunteer project.

“Experiencing first hand how a campaign works will help them better understand the political issues we talk about in class. Also, it connects how people can get involved in politics,” AP Government teacher Kurt Gates said.

There are many projects AP students can help with for the election.

“Students can help with phone-banking, parades, putting up yard signs, clerical duties, and going door to door. They can basically do anything they are comfortable doing, and what the politicians need help getting done,” Gates said.

The students are required to have at least five hours of volunteering before the election in November. Students must contact the politician they want to campaign for.

“I am helping Claire McCaskill because I don’t like her opponent at all,” junior Quinn Mars said.

With the election heating up, there have been many opportunities for students to get involved.

“We have addressed envelopes and made phone calls for Myron Neth. It is fun to sit with my friends,” junior Kari Clark said.

This project is helping students get hands on experience in government, they can not get in a classroom.

“This project is showing me how different political parties use different aspects, like media to persuade voters,” junior Joel Afriyrie said.

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