LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

Engineering Breakfast Event

Recently at Liberty North High School we had a Breakfast with the engineers and advanced manufacturers that any student interested in these fields could attend.

“It was very helpful. It was quite interesting to see what the experts had to say and their advice to us about what to do so we don’t screw up anything. My favorite part was going around to each individual stations and having them tell us basically what to do, what they did and how they got there,” Junior Clay Olson said.

“It was cool seeing all the different perspectives of all the engineers and it was helpful just talking to them about their professions,” Junior Tristian Tyler said.

The breakfast was a helpful tool for students that are interested in engineering. They could use the knowledge they received to help them better understand the field they are interested in.

“I think it was awesome. I think we got some really good feedback on the students where they wanted more time to spend with the engineers and the advanced manufacturers. They were also able to ask questions that maybe they would not be able to ask because they have not been to an engineering firm or they have not been able to talk with anybody in those types of careers,” Counselor Jill Brock said.

This event was helpful for all different types of students wanting to pursue different elements of engineering and manufacturing.

“ I want to be an engineer of some sort when I grow up. I got involved with engineering because I thought it was really interesting when I was in eighth grade,” Junior Tristian Tyler said.

“I started getting interested in engineering during my childhood because I liked to build things. When I grow up I want to be an electrical engineer,” Junior Clay Olson said.

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