LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

The Mental Side of Sports

Growing up in sports one would hear the quote “the game is 90% mental.” Coming from experience, this has been proven true. Bad attitudes in any type of team sport can have a number of affects on the game.

Looking on the bright side of things, having a positive attitude can change the outcome of a game. When a team is cheering each other on and working together they can normally pull out a win. Most teams have learned that it is better to focus on the good things rather than to dwell on the bad.

On the opposite side of things, bad attitudes can affect the game in a far worse way. When a team gets out of sync they often tend to blame each other for the mistakes and when a team blames each other it is hard to get anything done.

Looking into the future, students who want to go to college for sports must always have a good attitude. An athlete never knows when a recruiting coach could be watching. In college athletics, teams have to stay composed to make sure that the score doesn’t get out of hand.

“When I’m playing doubles, my partner and I can’t blame each other for the mistakes. We have to keep playing hard through the whole match no matter how bad the score,” sophomore Gretchen Ohlhausen said.

Teams face hardships all the time. The key is to keep pushing through those hard times. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

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