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Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

Aquarium Adventures

The Kansas City Zoo’s aquarium is open to the public and the people are excited!

 Sometimes the fall weather can be cold and dreary, leaving some to wonder what you could do to have a fun time during your weekends. Well, a trip to the zoo is an amazing way to pass the free time you have! Especially since the brand-new aquarium has recently been opened to the public, bringing in many visitors.
  “My favorite part of the aquarium had to be the sharks, I loved how pretty they were. They also were way bigger than I thought they’d be, I mean, they had to be at least four feet long. That’s crazy for an aquarium, especially one in Kansas City,” sophomore Gemma Summers said.
  There was even a surprising factor in the aquarium, they had other animals inhabiting the huge building besides sea-living creatures.
  “I was surprised when I saw that they had monkeys inside of the building. Don’t get me wrong, the fish were great and their scales were gorgeous, but the monkeys were hilarious. I did some reading on their sign and saw that they lived in mangrove trees along rivers. I think our zoo did an awesome job at incorporating some unique and gorgeous factors into this place, I can see how it’s become so popular in such a quick amount of time,” sophomore Anna Walsh said.
  While the animals were incredible to see, some also enjoy going to places like these for shopping and gifts, there are always cute things to buy, especially when it comes to enclosures like these.
  “I thought the entire place was cool, I’ve been waiting for it to open for a while. I love the zoo in general, but something that always sticks out to me is gift shops. They’re iconic to almost every trip, most people want something sentimental so that they can remember their trip. Whether it be a vacation, a common store, or even some random gas station, I think getting something to remember the good time you had is important. As for my favorite part of the aquarium, I enjoyed the seahorses and jellyfish. There’s something so pretty about both, plus their biology is generally interesting to look into,” sophomore Adrian Fong said.  

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