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LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View


Why take a journalism class at Liberty North? Here’s why:

  1. High School Journalism Matters
  2. Media Classes are about the process
  3. Working in Student Media prepares you for ANY career
  4. Resolution on the importance of journalism classes
  5. Value of scholastic media
  6. Journalism requires civic engagement

Students who work in high school media learn to think critically, research topics, conduct interviews, develop leadership skills, practice time management, and work together as a team.

To learn more about each program, see below:



Broadcasting Program

Two sections– one for SPORTS and one for News/Daily Show. Enroll in Advanced Broadcasting and indicate which section you’d prefer.

Having issues? Let us know.


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