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Eagle's View

LNHS Online Newspaper

Eagle's View

Giselle Martinez

A feature on Giselle Martinez and EIP

Liberty North’s Educational Internship Program(EIP) is a great opportunity for students to learn about teaching or get hands-on experience, it’s not limited to those who wanna be teachers. Senior, Giselle Martinez, who helps a kindergarten class at Shoal Creek Elementary School, wanted to gain that experience. “I had AP American Government last year, and the senior EIP students at the time came in to talk about the program, and I thought it would be a good program for me to do. Plus, my teacher, Mr Gates, said I’d be a good candidate for it, which encouraged me”, says Martinez. 

Giselle, who’s been in Color Guard, is a great leader and friend, the perfect characteristics for a teacher. She’s super enthusiastic and is always helpful, her friends only have great things to say about her. Her friend, Izabel Swartz says, “She has a solution to almost any problem and she never takes anything for granted”. 

 “She’s perfect for EIP and she’d be a great mentor for kids, and I thought she’d enjoy it”, said Mr. Gates. 
There are many different choices within the program that you can pick from. Mrs. Taylor, the EIP teacher, helps students find a class that fits their goals and personality. For kindergarten classes, there are many ways to help the kids, whether teaching the alphabet or fostering their skills as a learner. 

  “I pull kids out into the hall and we practice letter sounds, counting forward and backward, help them with writing, how to stay in the lines, and writing the characters. I like helping them and watching them achieve their goals. You see them grow as learners and allow them to communicate better. It’s fulfilling to see, and it helps you learn to adapt to each student’s needs”, said Martinez. 

EIP isn’t just the internship, on Wednesdays, Mrs. Taylor teaches classes about teaching and being better teachers to kids. Talking about how to teach children, especially young children, dealing with difficulties in the classroom, and problem-solving. 

“ We talk about teaching and how to improve our teaching skills. How to help difficult students, and currently we’re working on college essays and scholarships. It’s super beneficial and Mrs. Taylor helps us with anything we need.”

When asked about what advice to give to those considering EIP, “Just do it; I was super shy and was super nervous to try it. Even if you think you won’t be good at it, everyone helps you a lot, and it’s worth it”. 




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