Humans of Liberty North: Josh Baldwin


When it comes to choosing a career path it can be scary, But it all may be worth it in the end if you follow your heart.

    “I became a Recruiter for a nonprofit organization. There wasn’t much beyond it. There wasn’t much growth or future in it,” North Nation By Design teacher Joshua Baldwin said. 

  Wanting something to grow in and have more of a job that would allow you to have opportunities. He wanted to go to his second option in jobs, which was teaching.

   “So I talked to my wife about it. I had to get a couple of things like certification to teach, and get that accomplished, ”Baldwin said

He was able to get certified and do assisting jobs and become a real teacher, and eventually get a job at Liberty North. And was able to start expanding and teaching in different ways.

   “So starting two years ago I was approached by Mrs. Harvey & Dr. Kurth and was asked to start, what we called at the time Humanities. It was ELA and history being taught together in one classroom. And instead of having a 45-minute class, it would be an hour and a half long” Mr.Baldwin stated 

Collaborating and getting to have a different approach and structure to teaching was something Baldwin enjoyed and liked while teaching so he decided to take it a step further.

   “And then it was last year that Dr.Kurth again came and asked would you be interested in expanding this not just to two subjects but to all four: Biology, Math, and then History and ELA together,” Baldwin said.

Getting to incorporate all the core classes and become closer with new teachers, subjects, and future students was something new and innovative to try.

Something more new and some could say is innovative is online learning/school.

   “How do I do that? I had never done it before. Not just the idea of all virtual teaching but also having to be teaching in-person and online. At first, I didn’t know how to balance that or what it looked like,” Baldwin said. 

Adjusting and having to do not only your job but something in a new form or way is hard. For teachers and students.

   “I think it’s the same as students, the online learning aspect of when students are in the building being able to help them when they need it. Giving them immediate help instead of it being delayed because I have to get back to an email,” Baldwin said.