Starting Off: Freshman Football Highlights

Caden Simpson

Caden Simpson

The freshman football team has three teams, and two teams played on Wednesday night, August 31st, 2022.

     “I think we could have played better on defense. The whole team needs improvement,” freshman Cash Weber said.

     The freshman A team won the game, while the B team lost their game.

     “At the beginning, we had a bad start, snaps were high, we were tackling too high, and the team had no juice. There could be some improvement at practice, working on snaps, plays, and not tackling too high,” freshman Christian Holden said.

     The B team stayed in the game and kept getting at it.

     “It was a very entertaining game. Eli had 3 touchdowns, Aiden had an interception and almost ran back for a touchdown, T had an interception, there were a lot of highlights, but the defense had many chances to stop them, but then we lost,” freshman Caden Simpson said.