Humans of Liberty North: John Sevier


Liberty North teacher John Sevier was born in Wichita, Kansas but grew up in Liberty.

“I graduated from Liberty High School,” Sevier said,

Sevier graduated from University of Missouri-Columbia in 1993.

“I was a swimmer in high school and swam one year in Mizzou,”  Sevier Said,

Swimming was something that Sevier did as a kid and was good at it.

“I got into officiating when my kids joined a year round swim team when they were younger,” Sevier said, 

When Sevier’s son got to high school, he started officiating swim meets,

“I have officiated high school swim meets for seven years,” Sevier said,

Seviers favorite memory was officiating the state swim meet and watching the fast swimmers.

“I still ref swim meets today and will continue to ref,” Sevier said.